
We offer different Math Competition Classes and Competitions from Elementary School to High Schools , including AMC8/10/11, Mathcounts, MathLeauge, Math Olympiad and Math Kangaroo. 

We also provide fundamental Mathematic training with AOPs textbooks and beyond: PreAlgebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Number Theory and Counting and Probability.  

To improve the performance on Advanced Placement or test, we offer  Algebra 2 and trig,  AP PreCalculus, AP Calculus AB and BC. 


We provide fundamental Physics training from Intro to Physics for Middle school students to Physics Honor for High School Students. 

We also offer AP classes at different Level: AP physics 1, AP Physics 2, AP Physics C (Mech) and AP Physics C( E&M). 

We provide physics competition training for selected students: Physics Bowl, f=ma and USAPhO

Computer Science

We provide fundamental Computer Science Training  from Intro to Python, Intro to Java to Intro to C++  for Elementary School students to High School Students. 

We also offer CS Competition training and contest: ACSL, USACO and other competitions. 


We provide hand-on Training  from Design workshop to fundamental Engineering  for Middle School students to High School Students. 

We also offer Engineering Competition training and contests